Category: Accessibility

  • Playpen Sans and Accessibility

    Playpen Sans and Accessibility

    Does Playpen Sans capture the accessibility benefits of Comic Sans? If so, this feels like the casual handwriting font we’ve been needing. It combines “the aesthetic form of something made by hand and the digital function of a professional typeface.” The Playpen Sans font family by Veronika Burian, Laura Meseguer, and José Scaglione, excels at…

  • The Lack of Listening in Healthcare

    The Lack of Listening in Healthcare

    Our allies at Human Restoration Project shared the efforts of their friends at Cortico on “human listening” and “community listening”. I’m here for human listening and community listening and participatory research. As I dive back into the medical model for another round of treatment, I again profoundly feel the lack of listening and the weight…

  • Sensory Kit on a Clip

    Sensory Kit on a Clip

    Our sensory kit on a clip consists of: Check out these autistic odes to noise-cancelling headphones. They imply a lot about neurology and how misguided behaviorism is. The thesis that introduced neurodiversity to academia called computers an “essential prosthetic device for autistics“. That they are. A decent set of noise-cancelling headphones is another essential device. I remember my first…

  • Changelog: “Accommodation” Implies a Sort of Permission

    Changelog: “Accommodation” Implies a Sort of Permission

    We updated our “Accommodation” glossary page with a selection from “The Future of Design Is Designing for Disability” by s.e. smith. “Accommodation” implies a sort of permission, something granted to another person. It suggests that there’s something abnormal about a disabled person that requires extra effort. In the case of the ADA, people fighting accessibility…

  • Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings

    Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings

    We adore the Resources Library at Neurodiverse Connection. It’s very well curated. Their collection of therapeutic approaches lists three great resources that we’ve recommended often and recommend again here. Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings: We quote these resources all over our website. Here are some featured quotes from each. Autistic…

  • Changelog: Nature and Multiple Multisensory Rooms

    Changelog: Nature and Multiple Multisensory Rooms

    We updated “☀️💪 Offline: Fresh Air, Daylight, and Large Muscle Movement” and “Neuroception and Sensory Load: Our Complex Sensory Experiences” with selections from “Multiple Multisensory Rooms: Myth Busting the Magic” and “Sensory Experiences – Sensory Trust”. One of the most powerful features of a multisensory room is the ability to control the lighting. Multiple Multisensory…

  • This Is My Space: Collaborative Niche Construction in Psychologically Safe Space

    This Is My Space: Collaborative Niche Construction in Psychologically Safe Space

    This is my space. It allows me to have control over one small part of a traumatic and offensive world. AuDHD and me: My nesting habits – Emergent Divergence I love that quote from David Gray-Hammond at Emergent Divergence. It nicely distills our Cavendish Space and collaborative niche construction advocacy. I added the quote to…

  • Stimpunks Community Art: “Mobile – Home” by Heike Blakley

    Stimpunks Community Art: “Mobile – Home” by Heike Blakley

    What it feels like answering my phone. A sense of dread washes over me each time my phone rings and is quickly followed by anxiety due to time frame response.

  • We Use Interaction Badges at Our Events

    We Use Interaction Badges at Our Events

    At our events, we use interaction badges. Come Talk To Me A person wearing a green badge is actively seeking interaction. They may have trouble initiating conversations, but it’s okay to come up and start a conversation with them. A white circle on a green background with the word “GREEN” beneath. Do I Know You?…

  • The Sensory Hell of the Lunchroom

    The Sensory Hell of the Lunchroom

    Needless to say, the dining hall, as well as being busy, crowded and a source of multiple odours, was also very noisy, as trays were picked up and clattered back down, cutlery jangled, and metal serving dishes clanged against metal hot plates. Meanwhile, the children, squeezed into rows of tiny seats bolted on to collapsible…

  • May 2022, so far, at Stimpunks: New Pages for the Website

    May 2022, so far, at Stimpunks: New Pages for the Website

    We started a Research page that opens with a spicy assessment of the status quo of autism studies, “Facts, Fire, and Feels: Research-Storytelling from the Edges“. We started an Access page. There’s a subpage dedicated to Healthcare Access. There’s a subpage dedicated to Education Access. There’s a page for Interaction Access. And there’s a page…

  • Accommodations: Individualized Responses to Structural Design Problems

    Accommodations: Individualized Responses to Structural Design Problems

    The accommodations for natural human variation should be mutual. @laurenancona Yet on a programmatic basis, disability policy and other social programs remain enmeshed, even at their best, in accommodation models, where specific proven needs or deficits generate specific individualized responses. What might it look like to shift our framing of the social safety net to…