Tag: equity literacy

  • September at Stimpunks: Our Blogging, Our Reading, Our Giving

    September was busy at Stimpunks. We made progress on setting up the foundation and the philanthropic LLC. We got a new logo. We helped launch Josephmooon’s website and their rock album about autistic life. And we did the usual blogging, reading, and giving. Our Blogging Inclusive Meetings, Classes, and Presentations with Access Notes, Bodymind Affirmations,…

  • Additions to Our Philosophy on Equity, Learning, and Psychological Safety

    Our Philosophy page lists acquired phrases that we steer by. They are compasses and stars that align us on our mission. I added several phrases on equity, learning, and psychological safety from Human Restoration Project, Equity Literacy Institute, and Timothy R. Clark. Learning is rooted in purpose finding and community relevance. Social justice is the…

  • Contemporary Progressive Education with the Human Restoration Project

    Students and teachers are human beings. Schools must bring this to light. The HUMAN RESTORATION PROJECT supports progressive educators in building systematic change within schools. By providing free resources, professional development, and materials, we can form a coalition of like-minded educators who can revolutionize the education system from the ground up. This work doesn’t provide…

  • Unlearning Deficit Ideology and the Scornful Gaze

    Briefly, deficit ideology is a worldview that explains and justifies outcome inequalities- standardized test scores or levels of educational attainment, for example-by pointing to supposed deficiencies within disenfranchised individuals and communities (Brandon, 2003; Valencia, 1997a; Weiner, 2003; Yosso, 2005). Simultaneously, and of equal importance, deficit ideology discounts sociopolitical context, such as the systemic conditions (racism,…

  • Shiny Thing Equity Arithmetic

    Originally tweeted by Soni Gill (@Soni_Gill1214) on November 10, 2020. Image description: Shiny Thing Racial Equity Arithmetic: Racism + diversity programming + an anti-bullying program + Kindness Matters + SEL, PBIS, and restorative practices + grit and growth mindset = Racism Likewise for ableism and heterosexism. Our family was sold so many shiny things over…

  • Intersectionality and Professionalism

    The Center for Intersectional Justice explains that one key aspect of recognizing intersectionality is “fighting discrimination within discrimination, tackling inequalities within inequalities, and protecting minorities within minorities.” If conversations about equity are not considering the intersecting identities of those involved in the planning and decision making individually and as a collective, then the question comes…

  • Defining Equity and Inequity

    Inequity An unfair distribution of material and non-material access and opportunity resulting in outcome and experience differences that are predictable by race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, home language, or other dimensions of identity. Source: Understanding Equity and Inequity (Certificate-Bearing) Equity A commitment to action: the process of redistributing access and opportunity to be fair and…

  • Equity Literacy: Learning to Be a Threat to Inequity in Our Spheres of Influence

    Mindset marketing is no threat to inequity and injustice. It’s bikeshedding of the same old deficit ideology. It flakes off quickly. A big influence on me is Paul Gorski of the Equity Literacy Institute. I wish every educator with growth mindset, grit, SEL, and PBIS in their social media bios would take Gorski’s equity courses.…