Tag: sensory processing

  • Space Holders and Learner Safety

    Space Holders and Learner Safety

    A space holder is someone who can create and hold a safe space for a person so they can be themselves around them, knowing they will not be judged, they will be understood, valued and have an authentic meaningful connection. As adults, we need to try and be embodied, calm and grounded to support our…

  • Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings

    Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings

    We adore the Resources Library at Neurodiverse Connection. It’s very well curated. Their collection of therapeutic approaches lists three great resources that we’ve recommended often and recommend again here. Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings: We quote these resources all over our website. Here are some featured quotes from each. Autistic…

  • Autism in Care Settings: Managing Sensory Load

    Ann Memmott’s piece on “Useful New Autism Info for Care Settings” lists four great resources on accommodating autism in care settings, including two of our favorites: “It’s Not Rocket Science” and “Experience of Trauma and PTSD Symptoms in Autistic Adults”. This is a list of useful research papers and Commissioned documents that have changed how…