Tag: sensory hell

  • The Sensory Hell of Showering

    The Sensory Hell of Showering

    I really hate showering. It’s such a chaotic thing to find yourself in. AURORA, LIVE WITH AURORA: FOR THE METAL PEOPLE – YouTube AURORA gets it. Showering is overwhelming, especially the transitions. It can be sensory hell. Sensory Hell is the opposite of something being stimmy. It is utterly and totally unbearable. Maybe you’re thinking…

  • Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings

    Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings

    We adore the Resources Library at Neurodiverse Connection. It’s very well curated. Their collection of therapeutic approaches lists three great resources that we’ve recommended often and recommend again here. Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings: We quote these resources all over our website. Here are some featured quotes from each. Autistic…

  • Stimpunks Guide to the NeurodiVerse Issue #2: Healthcare Access

    Stimpunks Guide to the NeurodiVerse Issue #2: Healthcare Access

    This issue gathers recent research on healthcare access for autistic people. These studies confirm autistic common knowledge about our healthcare accessibility struggles and how to ameliorate them.