Category: Healthcare

  • A Letter in Reply to a Kindness from a Care Worker

    A Letter in Reply to a Kindness from a Care Worker

    I often feel like an asshole when advocating for myself in a healthcare system designed against me. I feel like I’m friction in someone’s day, a discordant note in their lives, extra work during chronically busy times. My needs challenge the usual way of things. It is such a relief when I get to say…

  • The Lack of Listening in Healthcare

    The Lack of Listening in Healthcare

    Our allies at Human Restoration Project shared the efforts of their friends at Cortico on “human listening” and “community listening”. I’m here for human listening and community listening and participatory research. As I dive back into the medical model for another round of treatment, I again profoundly feel the lack of listening and the weight…

  • Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings

    Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings

    We adore the Resources Library at Neurodiverse Connection. It’s very well curated. Their collection of therapeutic approaches lists three great resources that we’ve recommended often and recommend again here. Three Therapeutic Approaches to Supporting Autistic People in Healthcare Settings: We quote these resources all over our website. Here are some featured quotes from each. Autistic…