Author: Helen Autistic Realms

  • An Open Framework For Neuroqueer Learning Spaces

    An Open Framework For Neuroqueer Learning Spaces

    In Neuroqueer Heresies, Nick Walker (2021) describes embracing neuroqueering as a verb. When considering Neuroqueer Learning Spaces, we need to reinterpret, rethink, redefine, and reimagine what those spaces may look like and the journey required to be able to facilitate them. We are considering whether we can use the template Walker created for designing autism courses as a template for…

  • Neuroqueering from the Inbetween

    Neuroqueering from the Inbetween

    “The growing cracks in the thin veneer of our “civilised” economic and social operating model are impossible to ignore”, Jorn Bettin (2020). As a late-diagnosed autistic person, I feel a massive disconnect with the world around me. I am living in the ‘gap’ between so many spaces but also feel the potential of neuroqueering and transforming what…

  • Neuroqueering Learning Spaces: An Exploration

    Neuroqueering Learning Spaces: An Exploration

    This piece is by Helen Edgar of Autistic Realms. “Intentionally liberating oneself from the culturally ingrained and enforced performance of neuronormativity can be thought of as neuroqueering” Walker, 2021 neuronormativity = a set of norms, standards, expectations and ideals that centre a particular way of functioning as the ‘right way’ to be neuroqueer = subvert, defy, disrupt,…