Tag: rhizomes

  • Campfires in Dark Forests: Community Brings Safety to the Serendipity

    Campfires in Dark Forests: Community Brings Safety to the Serendipity

    Dark forests like newsletters and podcasts are growing areas of activity. As are other dark forests, like Slack channels, private Instagrams, invite-only message boards, text groups, Snapchat, WeChat, and on and on. These are all spaces where depressurized conversation is possible because of their non-indexed, non-optimized, and non-gamified environments. The cultures of those spaces have…

  • Neuroqueering from the Inbetween

    Neuroqueering from the Inbetween

    “The growing cracks in the thin veneer of our “civilised” economic and social operating model are impossible to ignore”, Jorn Bettin (2020). As a late-diagnosed autistic person, I feel a massive disconnect with the world around me. I am living in the ‘gap’ between so many spaces but also feel the potential of neuroqueering and transforming what…

  • Finding Belonging in Collective Flow

    Finding Belonging in Collective Flow

    Looking back with the vocabulary of neurodiversity, my career was much about seeking belonging in collective flow. Working on the WordPress core development team back in the early days of the project was a lesson in neurodiverse collaboration and developing collective flow. There’s nothing like working together toward a common goal to build community and…

  • No Competition of Hierarchies Should Prevail: Identity Politics, Strategic Essentialism, Rhizomes, Punk, and Oppression Olympics

    No Competition of Hierarchies Should Prevail: Identity Politics, Strategic Essentialism, Rhizomes, Punk, and Oppression Olympics

    Identity politics can be employed to simultaneously uplift marginalised members of society and deconstruct the mechanisms of their marginalisation. Spider-Verse, Identity Politics, Leftist Infighting, and the Oppression Olympics – YouTube Identity politics can be one tool we use to override our discomfort with others and instead draw together into coalition. We should use it as…